Pastor Jim McClarty responds to 13 questions asked by a young Bible student, who wrote:
Blessings pastor Jim McClarty. My name is _ and I’m currently a student at __, majoring in Bible & Humanities with the intention of entering church ministry to teach/preach the word of God.
For one of my classes, it is required of me to interview two highly respected and experienced individuals working in the field of ministry I’m currently pursing to enter. This short interview consists of 13 questions based on your experience and knowledge as a church minister. I saw your video “A Few Words For Young People Going Into The Ministry” ( on Zach Kuekker’s YouTube channel, who is actually a friend of mine from Grace Community Church in Saint Cloud Florida. I know and understand how busy you are and highly appreciate you taking your time to responding to my email. Thank you, and may the Lord continue to pour out